Metaphor method

Main idea and its purpose

Metaphor technique consists in creating new possibilities, means and solutions by discovering and suggesting similarities between a problem or focal object (target) and some other object, field of activity or conceptual space (source), as well as the subsequent transference of the properties, ideas, relations and meanings from the source object to a target object.

Scope of application, for example, when working with a group of a certain age and composition; in individual work, etc.

Metaphors appeal to the imagination of recipients. They are great for creating impact and can be effectively used in marketing and advertising.

Application guidance: scope of application, for example, when working with a group of a certain age and composition; in individual work, etc.

1. Define the problem or choose an object representing its essence.2. Select a distant object, a sphere of reality or type of activity. Connect your problem with remote domains and unrelated fields.
3. Make a comparison with these distant fields and identify the similarity or connecting attributes, images, essences. Set up only essential correspondences and similarities between the metaphorical source and your problem.
4. Transfer the characteristics, relations, values, meanings from the selected remote area to your problem. Express your problem or object using the terms, concepts, and meanings of the source object.
5. Generate some metaphors of the problem at hand.
6. Choose the most vivid, imaginative, provocative and deep metaphors and relate them to your problem, creating a new vision of the problem, new ideas and solutions.
6. Transfer the solution from the metaphor to your original problem or issue.
7. Sort and evaluate all information compiled. The best ideas for problem resolution are recorded for team action.

The results of applying the method, for example, increasing the ability to go beyond standard solutions, etc.

Metaphor technique allows to include target objects in new areas of activity, new contexts and semantic worlds. It helps to see the object or problem in a new light, rethink it and discover previously inaccessible resources.

Instructions for combining creativity methods

  • 1. Determine the goal

    Determine why you want to use creative methods in your work and for whom, that is, what is the purpose, goals, meanings, audience, for whom it is happening.

  • 2. Read

    Read the description of the methods and recommendations for their use.

  • 3. Choose

    Choose those that best suit your purpose and tasks. When choosing methods, pay attention to the fact that they can be conditionally divided into several groups:● procedural, those that help answer the question HOW TO DO IT? How to optimize the process? How to do the process differently?● horizontal, those that answer the question WHO? WITH WHO? FOR WHOM? This is about the distribution of responsibility, and about clarifying the interests, association or for whom we are doing it.● vertical, those related to WHY? WHAT IS A PURPOSE? WHAT IS THE MAIN? It is about clarifying the hierarchy in the structure, the essence of the problem and its solution, what it consists of and what one wants to achieve.

  • 4. Make it specific

    Add the missing aspect to the vector. Depending on the task, one of the vectors will be the main one, and the other 2 will be auxiliary.● For example, you need to start the learning process in a different, new way: you choose the most suitable methods for your task and audience, and add methods for vertical and horizontal questions. This will add specificity towards the goal of this process and the distribution of tasks for everyone in the process, will help determine who and what it will be useful for. This creates a habit of thinking in different directions and structuring the process.● For example, the "Blooming Lotus" method allows you to determine the vertical vector, disassemble the problem into components, detail it by seeing the entire system of the problem at the same time, show the connections between different elements and find a solution for each element separately. If we add a horizontal and procedural layer of questions from the SCAMPER method, adding and concentrating on what is still missing, what can be added, what aspect has not yet been revealed, then we will get an even more complete picture and a solution that will cover the maximum fields of the same problem.

  • 5. Сombine methods

    Find and add polar aspects. You can combine methods that are more structural with playful ones based on the principle of combining polarities. This can make the process emotional but also structured at the same time. Yes, you can first choose the method that, in your opinion, is most suitable for your problem and task, then immediately determine the one that you would rather not use, which highlights the opposite sides. Moreover, your determined polarity can be conditional, that is, you yourself can determine what is polar in your case, what is the opposite. ● For example, if in one method there is a lot about the connections between elements, their detailed description, diving into the essence of details, then choosing a method that will consider the system of the problem from above, the whole whole, the system as a separate element in the environment around it, this will add scaling in finding a solution.

  • 6. Application time

     Different methods require different periods of time when applied. When combining methods, it is better to take this into account by adding a simpler and time-limited method to a method that is time-consuming and more difficult to use.

  • 7. Calibrate the original purpose

    During the whole process, calibrate from time to time with the original purpose, goals, meaning for what it all happens and for whom, because in the exciting creative space it can be easy to lose the axis on which the whole process should rest.

  • 8. Experiment

    Having created a combination of methods, it is important to experiment and be ready for changes and adaptation of the newly created to the needs, goals and tasks even more, because during the approbation we can just see the fact that was not taken into account. Here we can go back to points 4 and 5, adding aspects that are missing.● Note: try to feel the process, be present in it as much as possible, and allow imperfection and something spontaneous to arise, because the marker of novelty is your surprise, expansion of space and emergence of unexpected details, solutions, ideas.

Instructions for combining creativity methods

  • 1. Determine the goal

    Determine why you want to use creative methods in your work and for whom, that is, what is the purpose, goals, meanings, audience, for whom it is happening.

  • 2. Read

    Read the description of the methods and recommendations for their use.

  • 5. Сombine methods

    Find and add polar aspects. You can combine methods that are more structural with playful ones based on the principle of combining polarities. This can make the process emotional but also structured at the same time. Yes, you can first choose the method that, in your opinion, is most suitable for your problem and task, then immediately determine the one that you would rather not use, which highlights the opposite sides. Moreover, your determined polarity can be conditional, that is, you yourself can determine what is polar in your case, what is the opposite. ● For example, if in one method there is a lot about the connections between elements, their detailed description, diving into the essence of details, then choosing a method that will consider the system of the problem from above, the whole whole, the system as a separate element in the environment around it, this will add scaling in finding a solution.

  • 6. Application time

    Different methods require different periods of time when applied. When combining methods, it is better to take this into account by adding a simpler and time-limited method to a method that is time-consuming and more difficult to use.

  • 3. Choose

    Choose those that best suit your purpose and tasks. When choosing methods, pay attention to the fact that they can be conditionally divided into several groups:● procedural, those that help answer the question HOW TO DO IT? How to optimize the process? How to do the process differently?● horizontal, those that answer the question WHO? WITH WHO? FOR WHOM? This is about the distribution of responsibility, and about clarifying the interests, association or for whom we are doing it.● vertical, those related to WHY? WHAT IS A PURPOSE? WHAT IS THE MAIN? It is about clarifying the hierarchy in the structure, the essence of the problem and its solution, what it consists of and what one wants to achieve.

  • 4. Make it specific

    Add the missing aspect to the vector. Depending on the task, one of the vectors will be the main one, and the other 2 will be auxiliary.● For example, you need to start the learning process in a different, new way: you choose the most suitable methods for your task and audience, and add methods for vertical and horizontal questions. This will add specificity towards the goal of this process and the distribution of tasks for everyone in the process, will help determine who and what it will be useful for. This creates a habit of thinking in different directions and structuring the process.● For example, the "Blooming Lotus" method allows you to determine the vertical vector, disassemble the problem into components, detail it by seeing the entire system of the problem at the same time, show the connections between different elements and find a solution for each element separately. If we add a horizontal and procedural layer of questions from the SCAMPER method, adding and concentrating on what is still missing, what can be added, what aspect has not yet been revealed, then we will get an even more complete picture and a solution that will cover the maximum fields of the same problem.

  • 7. Calibrate the original purpose

    During the whole process, calibrate from time to time with the original purpose, goals, meaning for what it all happens and for whom, because in the exciting creative space it can be easy to lose the axis on which the whole process should rest.

  • 8. Experiment

    Having created a combination of methods, it is important to experiment and be ready for changes and adaptation of the newly created to the needs, goals and tasks even more, because during the approbation we can just see the fact that was not taken into account. Here we can go back to points 4 and 5, adding aspects that are missing.● Note: try to feel the process, be present in it as much as possible, and allow imperfection and something spontaneous to arise, because the marker of novelty is your surprise, expansion of space and emergence of unexpected details, solutions, ideas.

Other methods of creativity activation


Bisociation method (A. Kestler)


Method of analogies


Random word method (E. De Bono)


Metaphor method


Metaphorical thinking (G. Morgan


Visual thinking (P. McKim)


The method of forced relations


List of control questions (D. Poya)


Kipling's method of heuristic questions


Checklist (A. Osborne)


The Five Why Method


And what if?

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