Main idea and its purpose
The 5 Why method is useful for eliminating unfounded assumptions, inconsistent logic, and biased conclusions from problem solving attempts. Instead, a structured, logically intact cause-and-effect chain is formed, which gradually penetrates to the root cause of the problem. If the root cause is eliminated, the reasons in the chain of 5 whys should in turn disappear. Technique 5 why is a common tool for solving problems in production; it is an important component of lean manufacturing, Six Sigma and Kaizen. The goal of any root cause analysis is to identify and eliminate the root cause that lies at the root of the problem.The 5 Whys uses "counter-measures," rather than "solutions." A countermeasure is an action or set of actions that seeks to prevent the problem from arising again, while a solution may just seek to deal with the symptom. As such, countermeasures are more robust, and will more likely prevent the problem from recurring
Application guidance: scope of application, for example, when working with a group of a certain age and composition; in individual work, etc.
1. Briefly and clearly formulate the problem or what you want. Write it down. This will make it easier to build a chain of causes.
2. Ask yourself the question - "Why?" Write it down.
3. Then ask the question "Why?" to the previously received answer. Write down the answer.
As a rule, 5 questions are enough to get the final answer, in order to understand why it is, and what can be done, or where to move forward
Work with the problem can proceed by clarifying the root cause of the problem, or by clarifying values and needs. For a more detailed answer, you can combine the received final answers. For example: the problem is "Not enough money". Why? I earn little. Why? I work little. Why?... this is how you can get an answer at the level of actions and events. From the point of view of desires or values, the answers will be different. Example. "I want money." Why? I want to buy. Why? I want to look good. Why?... Or
- "Money is important to me!" Why? I feel confident. Why?... Thus, we have answers from different points of view.
When working in a group, the presenter formulates a task and offers each participant to independently answer questions according to the given algorithm. It is important that all participants give answers on one selected aspect at the same time. The final answers are voiced and considered as a joint research result.
The results of applying the method, for example, increasing the ability to go beyond standard solutions, etc.
The result of using the method in a group can be:
1. Clarification of unconscious needs and motivations of each group member.
2. Formation of common values of the group, and construction of ways to achieve a common goal.
3. Contributing to the formation of “us”, united by common interests and values, thanks to going beyond the personal perception of other people, problems and oneself.
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