Main idea and its purpose
"What if…?" The technique is based on the study of thinking, which has been a basic element of philosophical methodology since classical antiquity.
Aristotle used thought experiments for argumentative persuasion. In 1811, Ernst Mach introduced the word "thought experiment" (or the use of speculative hypotheses in solving philosophical problems. Artistic experiments in philosophy are mainly tools of the imagination.
The technique of lateral thinking, which was first presented in 1967 by E. de Bono, consists in writing down all the dominant ideas that apply to a particular situation and then deliberately challenging them.
Edward de Bono suggested having three options for answering questions: yes, no, and "po" (possibly)
This technique can be useful in the creative arts, where whimsical "what if" questions can spark innovative ideas and lead to new ideas and wonderful new discoveries.
It's a lateral thinking technique that helps us explore possibilities while challenging assumptions.The question "What if?" it is a very effective process of activating creative critical thinking that allows an individual or team to question possible outcomes.
This technique is also useful for evaluating attempts to do something new or different or to find a hitherto untested solution to a problem.
Application guidance: scope of application, for example, when working with a group of a certain age and composition; in individual work, etc.
1. Formulate a question or problem for consideration in the group.
2. Each member of the group writes down 3-5 funny, provocative, or fantasy questions on a separate piece of paper for 3-5 minutes. For example: If aliens join us? If there was even one superman among us? What if everyone had superpowers?
It is important that the questions are related to optimistic and pessimistic, realistic and fantastic options for the development of events
3. All questions are collected in a pile and one by one are voiced in the group for joint consideration. The most interesting answer options and ideas are recorded.4. It is important all the time to generate new ideas for development in solving the problem after answering the questions.
5. Connect the problem or current situation with the answers to the questions.
5. Next, it is important to conduct a general analysis of ideas and identify those that will help solve the problem and look at the situation from a new angle.
The results of applying the method, for example, increasing the ability to go beyond standard solutions, etc.
The method helps to look at the problem from a new and unexpected angle by creating provocative models of the development of the situation. The result of the implementation of the method is the change of existing thinking models in solving the problem, due to the creation of new algorithms.
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